Dunamis House Counseling Services
Dunamis House Counseling Services was founded by Virgil and Vanessa Watson, both distinguished Masters of Counseling with over 20 years of experience. Their passion to see couples and families restored is matched only by their desire to offer a listening ear and a helping hand to those in need.
" He Sent His word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions. " Psalm 107:20
Is your marriage or relationship all that you want it to be?
Do you want to receive God's blessings on your relationship?
Do you want faith-centered professional help achieving your relationship goals?
Are you a ministry in need of a marriage workshop for your members?
Meet The Counselors
Hello, we have been married for 47 years and believe that God has given us the strategies to stay connected:
1. Strengthen marriages through prayer.
2. Heal hurting couples by the truth of God's Word and destroying the lies of miscommunication.
3. Restoring honor in the relationship.
4. Bringing back the passion that's needed for lasting relationships.
5. We are committed to working with you for the success that God intends for it to be.